Run personalized fantasy sports contests for your customers and followers to increase engagement and drive business growth
AI-enabled capabilities to enhance experience and convert fantasy sports contest participants into business customers
100+ million people participate in fantasy sports contests and leagues every year, you can easily take advantage...
KingPool makes this possible, allowing you to integrate fantasy sports as an easy, high-impact, and sustainable business growth tool
Personalize your business profile page with related business information, links, and pictures.
Browse from a list of various popular fantasy sports contests to choose from and set the rules you want
Share your fantasy sports contest to your customers and promote unique prizes to incentivize participation
Monitor contest updates and participant engagement while KingPool automates contest operations
Crown the contest winner, gauge customer engagement, utilize KingPool business tools to maximize growth
Your One-Stop-Shop for Fantasy Sports Contests
Get the white label experience without the white label price
An upfront fee to create contests with KingPool based on contest size
(easy & simple)
$0.50 per contestant
(budget conscious)
Harness your fantasy sports contest and contestant data to enable business growth